Results for 'A. Z. Andrea de'

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  1.  59
    Complete and Partial Organizing for Corporate Social Responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Frank G. A. de Bakker & Jeremy Moon - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (4):651-663.
    This paper investigates different modes of organizing for corporate social responsibility (CSR). Based on insights from organization theory, we theorize two ways to organize for CSR. “Complete” organization for CSR happens within businesses and depends on the availability of certain organizational elements (e.g., membership, hierarchy, rules, monitoring, and sanctioning). By contrast, “partial” organization for CSR happens when organizers do not have direct access to all these organizational elements. We discuss partial organization for CSR by analyzing how standards and cross-sector partnerships (...)
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  2. Not so fast. On some bold neuroscientific claims concerning human agency.Andrea Lavazza & Mario De Caro - 2009 - Neuroethics 3 (1):23-41.
    According to a widespread view, a complete explanatory reduction of all aspects of the human mind to the electro-chemical functioning of the brain is at hand and will certainly produce vast and positive cultural, political and social consequences. However, notwithstanding the astonishing advances generated by the neurosciences in recent years for our understanding of the mechanisms and functions of the brain, the application of these findings to the specific but crucial issue of human agency can be considered a “pre-paradigmatic science” (...)
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  3. Institución, consenso y conflicto en torno a la mediación cultural contemporánea.Andrea de Pascual - 2011 - Minerva: Evidence-Based Medicine pour la première ligne 4 (18):75-80.
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    Morals and dependency – ethical conflicts in the hierarchical system of a hospital.Fred Salomon & Andrea Ziegler - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (3):174-186.
    Berufliche Autonomie ist Voraussetzung für Zufriedenheit mit der eigenen Tätigkeit. Dem Arztberuf wird ein hohes Maß an Autonomie zugeschrieben, verbunden mit fachlicher und ethisch-moralischer Kompetenz für lebenswichtige Bereiche. Das sind wesentliche Elemente für das positive Image dieses Berufes. Zu Beginn der ärztlichen Tätigkeit ist die ethischmoralische Kompetenz weitgehend ausgebildet, während die fachliche Kompetenz erst erworben werden muss. Kliniken, in denen die Weiterbildung meist erfolgt, sind oft auch heute noch traditionell hierarchisch organisiert. Die z.T. feudalistischen oder militärischen Strukturen behindern autonome moralische (...)
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    Neuroetica: la nascita di un nuovo tipo di antropologia?Andrea Lavazza & Mario De Caro - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 4 (3):252-263.
    Nel presente testo si propone un approccio alla neuroetica che si prefigge di attribuirle uno specifico ambito d’indagine in quanto esplorazione di ciò che apprendiamo su noi stessi e sul nostro “funzionamento”, grazie principalmente alle neuroscienze. In altre parole, si tratta di un nuovo genere di antropologia che si occupa dell’intersezione di diverse discipline la quale acquista sempre maggiore centralità nel dibattito contemporaneo a motivo della forte naturalizzazione delle indagini sugli esseri umani. L’oggetto di studio – alla luce di questa (...)
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  6. Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives on Sustainability: A Cross-Disciplinary Review and Research Agenda for Business Ethics.Frank G. A. de Bakker, Andreas Rasche & Stefano Ponte - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (3):343-383.
    ABSTRACT:Although the literature on multi-stakeholder initiatives for sustainability has grown in recent years, it is scattered across several academic fields, making it hard to ascertain how individual disciplines, such as business ethics, can further contribute to the debate. Based on an extensive review of the literature on certification and principle-based MSIs for sustainability, we show that the scholarly debate rests on three broad themes : theinputinto creating and governing MSIs; theinstitutionalizationof MSIs; and theimpactthat relevant initiatives create. While our discussion reveals (...)
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  7. On the Dynamics of Institutional Agreements.Andreas Herzig, Tiago de Lima & Emiliano Lorini - 2009 - Synthese 171 (2):321 - 355.
    In this paper we investigate a logic for modelling individual and collective acceptances that is called acceptance logic. The logic has formulae of the form $A_{Gx} \phi $ reading 'if the agents in the set of agents G identify themselves with institution x then they together accept that φ'. We extend acceptance logic by two kinds of dynamic modal operators. The first kind are public announcements of the form x!ψ, meaning that the agents learn that ψ is the case in (...)
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  8.  14
    Family Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent School Satisfaction: Does Schoolwork Support Affect This Association?Simona Horanicova, Daniela Husarova, Andrea Madarasova Geckova, Andrea F. de Winter & Sijmen A. Reijneveld - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe aim of this study is to explore the association of family socioeconomic status and internal and external schoolwork support with adolescents’ school satisfaction and whether schoolwork support modifies these associations.MethodsData come from the cross-sectional Health Behavior in School-aged Children study collected in 2018 from Slovak 15-year-olds. SES was measured by Family Affluence Scale. School satisfaction was measured via school engagement and attitudes toward education. Schoolwork support was measured regarding two groups of sources inside and outside the family, separately. Logistic (...)
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  9.  43
    The world as wide web: following codes to access knowledge-lands.Matteo Ciastellardi, Andrea Cruciani, Derrick de Kerckhove & Cristina Miranda de Almeida - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (2):173-179.
    In this article, we will firstly explore the concept of connected design; secondly, we will explain how environments can be understood as interfaces for knowledge; and thirdly, we will expose the characteristics and objectives of the project Wired Book & Electronic Margin, which is part of a larger project called Universal Margin, as an example of connective design. Lastly, we will show the benefits of contextualizing information and transforming the world into a connected and lively real-time library, to underline how (...)
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  10. Daydream and emancipation : against surplus enjoyment, repression and their parallax of lack and excess.A. Barria-Asenjo Nicol, Brian Willems Slavoj Žižek, Ruben Balotol Andrea Perunović & Gonzalo Salas - 2024 - In Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo & Slavoj Žižek (eds.), Political jouissance. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Les Noms Magiques dans les Apocryphes Chrétiens des ÉthiopiensLes Noms Magiques dans les Apocryphes Chretiens des Ethiopiens.Frank H. Hallock, A. Z. Aešcoly & A. Z. Aescoly - 1935 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 55 (1):109.
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    International Conference on the Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus.Alexander M. A. Fidora & Andreas M. A. Niederberger - 2000 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 5 (1):230-234.
  13.  50
    Public announcements, public assignments and the complexity of their logic.Hans van Ditmarsch, Andreas Herzig & Tiago De Lima - 2012 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 22 (3):249-273.
    We study the extension of public announcement logic PAL by public assignments, which we call PALA. Just as in the case of PAL, the standard procedure for deciding PALA validity, i.e. the use of so-called reduction axioms to translate PALA formulae into formulae in epistemic logic EL, may lead to exponential growth. In this paper, we show that such a price is not mandatory, for we provide a polynomial translation of PALA into EL. This is based on abbreviations of subformulae (...)
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  14.  40
    Decision-making competence predicts domain-specific risk attitudes.Joshua A. Weller, Andrea Ceschi & Caleb Randolph - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139420.
    Decision Making Competence (DMC) reflects individual differences in rational responding across several classic behavioral decision-making tasks. Although it has been associated with real-world risk behavior, less is known about the degree to which DMC contributes to specific components of risk attitudes. Utilizing a psychological risk-return framework, we examined the associations between risk attitudes and DMC. Italian community residents (n = 804) completed an online DMC measure, using a subset of the original Adult-DMC battery (A-DMC; Bruine de Bruin, Parker, & Fischhoff, (...)
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  15.  30
    Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profile Quantification in Pregenual Cingulate, Anterior Midcingulate, and Bilateral Posterior Insular Subdivisions Measured at 3 Tesla.Nuno M. P. de Matos, Lukas Meier, Michael Wyss, Dieter Meier, Andreas Gutzeit, Dominik A. Ettlin & Mike Brügger - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:191871.
    Current report assessed measurement reproducibility and reliability of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) at 3 Tesla in left and right posterior insular, pregenual and anterior midcingulate subdivisions. 10 healthy male volunteers aged 20 to 30 years were tested on four different days, of which 9 were included in the data analysis. Intra- and inter-subject variability of myo-Inositol (mI), Creatine (Cre), Glutamate (glu), total-Choline (tCho), total-N-acetylaspartate (tNAA) and combined Glutamine-Glutamate (Glx) were calculated considering the influence of movement parameters, age, daytime of measurements (...)
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    Table des Matières – Contents – Inhaltsverzeichnis.Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer - 1998 - In Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.), Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?: Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für Mittelalterliche Philosophie der Société Internationale pour l'Etude de la Philosophie Médié. Erfurt: De Gruyter.
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  17.  43
    Attachment, Social Value Orientation, Sensation Seeking, and Bullying in Early Adolescence.Marco Innamorati, Laura Parolin, Angela Tagini, Alessandra Santona, Andrea Bosco, Pietro De Carli, Giovanni L. Palmisano, Filippo Pergola & Diego Sarracino - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:294201.
    In this study, bullying is examined in light of the “prosocial security hypothesis”— i.e., the hypothesis that insecure attachment, with temperamental dispositions such as sensation seeking, may foster individualistic, competitive value orientations and problem behaviors. A group of 375 Italian students (53% female; Mean age = 12.58, SD = 1.08) completed anonymous questionnaires regarding attachment security, social values, sensation seeking, and bullying behaviors. Path analysis showed that attachment to mother was negatively associated with bullying of others, both directly and through (...)
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  18.  63
    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.Tomislav Pavlović, Flavio Azevedo, Koustav De, Julián C. Riaño-Moreno, Marina Maglić, Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Patricio Andreas Donnelly-Kehoe, César Payán-Gómez, Guanxiong Huang, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Michèle D. Birtel, Philipp Schönegger, Valerio Capraro, Hernando Santamaría-García, Meltem Yucel, Agustin Ibanez, Steve Rathje, Erik Wetter, Dragan Stanojević, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Eugenia Hesse, Christian T. Elbaek, Renata Franc, Zoran Pavlović, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Aleksandra Cichocka, Michele Gelfand, Mark Alfano, Robert M. Ross, Hallgeir Sjåstad, John B. Nezlek, Aleksandra Cislak, Patricia Lockwood, Koen Abts, Elena Agadullina, David M. Amodio, Matthew A. J. Apps, John Jamir Benzon Aruta, Sahba Besharati, Alexander Bor, Becky Choma, William Cunningham, Waqas Ejaz, Harry Farmer, Andrej Findor, Biljana Gjoneska, Estrella Gualda, Toan L. D. Huynh, Mostak Ahamed Imran, Jacob Israelashvili & Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko - forthcoming - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Nexus.
    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multi-national data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from (...)
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  19.  16
    (1 other version)Raum und Raumvorstellungen im Mittelalter.Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.) - 1998 - De Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA pr sentieren seit ihrer Gr ndung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universit t zu K ln. Das Kernst ck der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweij hrigen Rhythmus stattfindenden K lner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor ber 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gr ndungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplin re Charakter dieser Kongresse pr gt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beitr ge aus allen medi vistischen Disziplinen - (...)
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  20.  26
    Patent retrieval architecture based on document retrieval. Sketching out the Spanish patent landscape.Ana B. Gil-GonzÁlez, Andrea VÁzquez-Ingelmo, Fernando de la Prieta, Ana de Luis-Reboredo & Alfonso GonzÁlez-Briones - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):558-569.
    A patent is a property granted to any new shape, configuration or arrangement of elements, of any device, tool, instrument, mechanism or other object or part thereof, that allows for a better or different operation, use or manufacture of the object that incorporates it or that provides it with some utility, advantage or technical effect that it did not have before. As a document, a patent really is a title that recognizes the right to exploit the patented invention exclusively, preventing (...)
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  21.  15
    Individuum und Individualität im Mittelalter.Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.) - 1995 - De Gruyter.
    Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA präsentieren seit ihrer Gründung durch Paul Wilpert im Jahre 1962 Arbeiten des Thomas-Instituts der Universität zu Köln. Das Kernstück der Publikationsreihe bilden die Akten der im zweijährigen Rhythmus stattfindenden Kölner Mediaevistentagungen, die vor über 50 Jahren von Josef Koch, dem Gründungsdirektor des Instituts, ins Leben gerufen wurden. Der interdisziplinäre Charakter dieser Kongresse prägt auch die Tagungsakten: Die MISCELLANEA MEDIAEVALIA versammeln Beiträge aus allen mediävistischen Disziplinen - die mittelalterliche Geschichte, die Philosophie, die Theologie sowie die Kunst- und Literaturwissenschaften (...)
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  22.  5
    Tangramob: An Agent-Based Simulation Framework for Validating Urban Smart Mobility Solutions.Giorgio Forcina, Jacopo de Berardinis, Carlo Castagnari, Andrea Polini, Francesco De Angelis & Flavio Corradini - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1188-1201.
    Estimating the effects of introducing a range of smart mobility solutions within an urban area is a crucial concern in urban planning. The lack of a simulator for the assessment of mobility initiatives forces local public authorities and mobility service providers to base their decisions on guidelines derived from common heuristics and best practices. These approaches can help planners in shaping mobility solutions; however, given the high number of variables to consider, the effects are not guaranteed. Therefore, a solution conceived (...)
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  23.  30
    Cognitive Fatigue, Sleep and Cortical Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Disease. A Behavioral, Polysomnographic and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Investigation.Guillermo Borragán, Médhi Gilson, Anne Atas, Hichem Slama, Andreas Lysandropoulos, Melanie De Schepper & Philippe Peigneux - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  24.  32
    On the Spin Projection Operator and the Probabilistic Meaning of the Bipartite Correlation Function.Ana María Cetto, Andrea Valdés-Hernández & Luis de la Peña - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (1):27-39.
    Spin is a fundamental and distinctive property of the electron, having far-reaching implications. Yet its purely formal treatment often blurs the physical content and meaning of the spin operator and associated observables. In this work we propose to advance in disclosing the meaning behind the formalism, by first recalling some basic facts about the one-particle spin operator. Consistently informed by and in line with the quantum formalism, we then proceed to analyse in detail the spin projection operator correlation function \=\left\langle (...)
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  25.  5
    Albert Schweitzer: grenzenlose Menschlichkeit im Denken und Handeln: Katalog zur Dauerausstellung des Deutschen Albert-Schweitzer-Zentrums.Gottfried Schüz & Andrea Blochmann (eds.) - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Stiftung Deutsches Albert-Schweitzer-Zentrum.
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  26.  24
    The self and its internal thought: In search for a psychological baseline.Andrea Scalabrini, Adriano Schimmenti, Michelangelo De Amicis, Piero Porcelli, Francesco Benedetti, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 97 (C):103244.
  27. Ahn, W., 81 Martin, JH. 233 Alterman, R., 205 Medin, DL, 81 Bookman, LA, 205 Bordage, Cl., 185.H. P. A. Boshuizen, H. C. Boxsahin, D. Chapman, Z. Dienes, N. V. Findler, J. C. Glasgow, V. Goel, R. M. Pilkington, Rumelhart de & H. G. Schmidt - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16:583.
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  28.  19
    Monoteísmo e filosofia: Breves reflexões a partir de uma conferência de Hermann Cohen.Andrea Poma, Luis Celestino de França Júnior & Regiane Lorenzetti Collares - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):398-410.
    Hermann Cohen afirma, em uma conferência, que a aversão à religião se deve à desconfiança da filosofia, uma vez que esta oferece à religião seu fundamento crítico e autoconsciência. Ele formula três postulados religiosos. O primeiro é a ideia da unicidade de Deus, como fundamento da moralidade do homem. O segundo postulado é o messianismo, como fundamento da ideia de humanidade universal. O terceiro postulado é a promoção do estudo da Wissenschaft des Judentums. Este texto enfoca três temas: a relação (...)
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    A Dutch report on the ethics of neonatal care.Z. Versluys & R. de Leeuw - 1995 - Journal of Medical Ethics 21 (1):14-18.
    The Dutch Paediatric Association reports consensus among its members regarding the necessity to take the future quality of life into account when reaching decisions regarding the continuation or dis-continuation of life-prolonging treatment. The paramount importance of the discussion with the parents is stressed. Dissension exists regarding active euthanasia in the newborn, both opinions being respected. If dissension exists within the profession parents should be informed and if necessary referred to a doctor who shares their moral views.
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  30.  21
    Why Neuroethical Analyses of Invasiveness in Psychiatry Should Engage with Mental Health Service User Movement Knowledges and Considerations of Social In/Justice.A. Lee de Bie & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (1):25-28.
    Bluhm et al.’s (2023) qualitative study on psychiatric electroceutical interventions describes several types and characteristics of invasiveness identified by psychiatrists and people living with a...
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  31. Géraud de Cordemoy. Ausgewählte Texte zum Leib-Seele-Problem.Andreas Scheib & Géraud de Cordemoy (eds.) - 2003 - Frankfurt a. M.: Vittorio Klostermann. Translated by Andreas Scheib.
    The French jurist and courtier Géraud de Cordemoy (1622-1684) was one of the leading exponents of early Cartesianism. Although he felt closely connected to René Descartes' philosophy, he corrected it in some central points. Thus he advocates an atomistic phsics and a theory of causation known as Occasionalism, which Leibniz calls the System of Occasional Causes in the "New System". The volume contains selected central passages from Cordemoy's main philosophical writings, which are made accessible here for the first time in (...)
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  32. The Enactive Approach to Architectural Experience: A Neurophysiological Perspective on Embodiment, Motivation, and Affordances.Andrea Jelić, Gaetano Tieri, Federico De Matteis, Fabio Babiloni & Giovanni Vecchiato - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33.  20
    Arte e a Educação Física No Ensino a Dist'ncia, Desafios e Perspectivas Enfrentados Durante a Pandemia Covid-19: Relatos de Experiências.Inês Rosad Arruda Ribeiro, Andrea Barbosa de Souza, Andreia Aparecida Pinto de Souza, Edwin Gomes de Araujo & Valdiney Pereira de Souza - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 9.
    Diante de uma crise sanitária mundial, a pandemia do COVID-19, iniciada em 2020, fez com a humanidade se reorganizasse, entrando em uma nova era. Os órgãos de saúde competentes, juntamente com as nações, expuseram suas preocupações, editando decretos e normativas a serem seguidas, com medidas rigorosas de isolamento social. E a Educação foi uma das áreas mais afetadas, por ser um dos pilares mais importante na sociedade moderna. A rotina que antes era totalmente presencial, passou a ser a distância, novas (...)
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  34.  14
    Notification of Unexpected, Violent and Traumatic Death: A Systematic Review.Diego De Leo, Josephine Zammarrelli, Andrea Viecelli Giannotti, Stefania Donna, Simone Bertini, Anna Santini & Cristina Anile - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:542332.
    Background: The way the death of a dear person is communicated can have a profound impact on the entire bereavement process. The words and expressions that are used to give the tragic news, the characteristics of who communicates it, the physical setting in which the notification is given, the means used (e.g., in person, via phone call, etc.) are just some of the factors that can influence the way survivors face one of the most difficult moments in their lives. Aim: (...)
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  35. Darwinizing sexual ambivalence: A new evolutionary hypothesis of male homosexuality.Andreas De Block & Pieter Adriaens - 2004 - Philosophical Psychology 17 (1):59 – 76.
    At first sight, homosexuality has little to do with reproduction. Nevertheless, many neo-Darwinian theoreticians think that human homosexuality may have had a procreative value, since it enabled the close kin of homosexuals to have more viable offspring than individuals lacking the support of homosexual siblings. In this article, however, we will defend an alternative hypothesis - originally put forward by Freud in "A phylogenetic phantasy" - namely that homosexuality evolved as a means to strengthen social bonds. Consequently, from an evolutionary (...)
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  36.  12
    Unamuno: el poeta del pensamiento.Ángeles Cerón, Francisco de Jesús, Luis Álvarez Castro, Ángeles de León, José Miguel, Durán Ugalde, Carla María, Nazzareno Fioraso, Gemma Gordo Piñar, Hernández Moreno, Jesús Carlos, Claudio Maíz, Moreno Romo, Juan Carlos, Orejudo Pedrosa, Riccardo Pace, Carrillo Juárez & Carmen Dolores (eds.) - 2018 - Querétaro (México): Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
    If Unamuno had been able to choose how to be remembered, he would have wanted him to be a poet. This book wants to do justice to that happy possibility. But above all because Unamuno was a poet in the highest sense: he was while writing the same essay as a novel, or theater, letter or verse, and he was also a poet when he passionately lived all the facets of his intense existence. His intellectual work was poetic and his (...)
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  37.  26
    Expectations and Experiences of Couples Receiving Therapy Through Videoconferencing: A Qualitative Study.Andrea Kysely, Brian Bishop, Robert Kane, Maryanne Cheng, Mia De Palma & Rosanna Rooney - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Videoconferencing is an emerging medium through which psychological therapy, including relationship interventions for couples, can be delivered. Understanding clients’ expectations and experiences of receiving therapy through this medium is important for optimizing future delivery. This study used a qualitative methodology to explore the expectations and experiences of couples throughout the process of the Couple CARE program, which was delivered through videoconferencing. Fifteen couples participated in semi-structured interviews during the first and last sessions of the intervention. The interviews were conducted using (...)
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    La « fonction-Dante » dans la philosophie. Une note à propos de Georg Simmel.Andrea A. Robiglio - 2023 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 147 (4):107-113.
    Résumé – Cette note vise à mettre en évidence une « fonction Dante » dans l’œuvre du philosophe allemand Georg Simmel (1858-1918). L’intérêt précoce de Simmel pour les écrits et la pensée de Dante Alighieri est bien documenté. Dante a accompagné Simmel depuis le début de sa carrière (en 1884, il a publié une étude consacrée à « La psychologie de Dante ») jusqu’à ses écrits de maturité. Bien que cet aspect n’ait pas encore été approfondi par les chercheurs, il (...)
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    The Level of Compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes: Does it Matter to Stock Markets?Andreas G. F. Hoepner, Thereza Raquel Sales de Aguiar & Ravi Majithia - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):329-348.
    The present paper explores, theoretically, and empirically, whether compliance with the International Code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes impacts on financial performance measured by stock markets. The empirical analysis, which considers a 20-year period, shows that stock markets are indifferent to the level of compliance by manufacturers with the International Code. Two important issues emerge from this result. Based on our finding that financial performance as measured by stock markets cannot explain the level of compliance, the first issue refers to (...)
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  40. van, and Krijnie Ciggaar. St. Thorlac's in Constantinople, built by a Flemish emperor.Andrea Arkel-De Leeuw van Weenen - forthcoming - Byzantion.
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    Preconception care: A parenting protocol. A moral inquiry into the responsibilities of future parents towards their future children.Z. E. E. der & Inez de Beaufort - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (8):451-457.
    In the Netherlands fertility doctors increasingly formulate protocols, which oblige patients to quit their unhealthy lifestyle before they are admitted to IVF procedures. We argue that moral arguments could justify parenting protocols that concern all future parents. In the first part we argue that want-to-be parents have moral responsibilities towards their future children to prevent them from harm by diminishing or eliminating risk factors before as well as during the pregnancy. This is because of the future children's potential to become (...)
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    Paving the Way for an Evolutionary Social Constructivism.Andreas De Block & Bart Du Laing - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (4):337-348.
    The idea has recently taken root that evolutionary theory and social constructivism are less antagonistic than most theorists thought, and we have even seen attempts at integrating constructivist and evolutionary approaches to human thought and behaviour. We argue in this article that although the projected integration is possible, indeed valuable, the existing attempts have tended to be vague or overly simplistic about the claims of social constructivist. We proceed by examining how to give more precision and substance to the research (...)
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    Maximising business returns to corporate social responsibility communication: An empirical test.Andrea Pérez, María del Mar García de los Salmones & Matthew Tingchi Liu - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):275-289.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  44.  67
    A plea for an experimental philosophy of medicine.Andreas De Block & Kristien Hens - 2021 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 42 (3):81-89.
    This special issue aims to explore and investigate a new subfield, namely experimental philosophy of medicine. Whereas experimental philosophy is relatively new on the philosophical block, some of its takes and findings have already shaped central debates in ethics, philosophy of action, philosophy of language, and epistemology. Interestingly, the approach of this program was for a long time almost wholly ignored within bioethics and philosophy of medicine—although this seems to have changed somewhat recently. In this introduction, we briefly sketch the (...)
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    Robert Ginsberg, J.Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides, Dinal V. Picotti C.Robert Ginsberg, J. Z. Hubert, Philemon A. Peonides & Dinal V. Picotti C. - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 5:613-613.
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    A Cross‐Modal and Cross‐lingual Study of Iconicity in Language: Insights From Deep Learning.Andrea Gregor de Varda & Carlo Strapparava - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (6):e13147.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 6, June 2022.
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    Do Humans and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Use Visual Information Similarly for the Categorization of Natural Scenes?Andrea De Cesarei, Shari Cavicchi, Giampaolo Cristadoro & Marco Lippi - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (6):e13009.
    The investigation of visual categorization has recently been aided by the introduction of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which achieve unprecedented accuracy in picture classification after extensive training. Even if the architecture of CNNs is inspired by the organization of the visual brain, the similarity between CNN and human visual processing remains unclear. Here, we investigated this issue by engaging humans and CNNs in a two‐class visual categorization task. To this end, pictures containing animals or vehicles were modified to contain (...)
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    Drift en ziekte. Over het waarom Van freuds antropologische wending.Andreas De Block - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (2):325-352.
    Freud's anthropology is in fact little more than an amplified psychiatry. For Freud, the human being is in essence a sick animal. In this paper the author discusses why Freud made this so-called 'anthropological turn'. First it is shown that Freud wanted his psychoanalytic theory to be a 'Philosophy of Man'. Secondly it is argued that this can only be the case if the determinants of pathology, that psychoanalysis claimed to have discovered, are constitutive of human subjectivity. This means that (...)
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    The effects of news frames and political speech sources on political attitudes: The moderating role of values.Claes de Vreese, Peter Neijens, Andreas Schuck & Moniza Waheed - 2015 - Communications 40 (2):147-169.
    This study investigated the extent to which values play a role in affecting citizens’ political attitudes when exposed to different media news frames and political speech sources. To test this, we designed a survey experiment which used news coverage of a political speech concerning the cultural practices of immigrants. We manipulated the manner of how the news was framed and the source of the speech. Our main finding shows that citizens who scored high on ‘universalism’ were more affected by a (...)
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    New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism.Nicolas de Warren & Andrea Sebastiano Staiti (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    After the demise of German Idealism, Neo-Kantianism flourished as the defining philosophical movement of Continental Europe from the 1860s until the Weimar Republic. This collection of new essays by distinguished scholars offers a fresh examination of the many and enduring contributions that Neo-Kantianism has made to a diverse range of philosophical subjects. The essays discuss classical figures and themes, including the Marburg and Southwestern Schools, Cohen, Cassirer, Rickert, and Natorp's psychology. In addition they examine lesser-known topics, including the Neo-Kantian influence (...)
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